So I spent Mother's Day weekend with my mom and her best friend Kim and we had such a laugh. As I am in halls at University in Northampton, I don't see my family as often as I would like to because I am almost 2 hours away from home by train. So, my mom and Kim decided to book a hotel for the night on Saturday to spend some time with me.
They both arrived about 2:30pm on Saturday and we went straight to a restaurant to have food as we were all STARVING! But, we had to wait an hour for our food because it was busy so we drank a few vodkas before our food came. We didn't do this very often and my mom or Kim wasn't driving so we thought why not have a few voddys! After we had eaten we went round the shops and did some shopping and I had spent more money than I wanted to but at least I had bought a few nice things. I hadn't treated myself for a while either and I think I deserved it after the last month!!

We then walked back, I came home and had a nap whilst they went back to the hotel room and we then met up at 9pm and went to the pub and had a few drinks. It was a right laugh because all we did was people watch... we could have sat their for hours doing it, it was so fun. Our drunken selves then walked to McDonald's about 2 in the morning and then we all went home. The next morning I met my mom and Kim at Costa and we all had a hot chocolate and I gave my mom her card and presents for Mother's Day. We went to the same place that we went to the day before for lunch it we didn't have to wait so long for our food this time thank god! The food was amazing and it definitely filled us all up.

I was actually going to go home with my mom on Sunday because I have no University this week but I have recently got myself a new job and I have to do my Induction and training throughout the week which sucks because I was looking forward to going home but then again I have wanted a new job for ages and now I finally have one after months of looking! Also, I go home in under 3 weeks anyway for my birthday so hopefully it comes around quick because I have been missing home so much recently.
I had an amazing weekend with my mom and Kim and they are going to come down again in May but for two nights instead. I love my family so much and I guess not seeing them as often as I used to, makes me miss them more and when I do get to see them, it means a lot more to me.