A Diary of Beauty, Fashion and Personal Life

Monday, 14 August 2017

My go to handbag

This bag is definitely my favourite bag. I am not someone who can afford to buy designer handbags all of the time, so I just usually buy high street bags, this is my second designer one, so when I get a designer handbag I am literally so so so happy to have it. However, I did not actually buy this one, my boyfriend bought it me, and we got it from a designer outlet called Bicester Village which is in Oxford where everything is just so much cheaper and oh my god, It is like a DREAM! It's my most favourite place to shop and I will always go there to buy designer products now. I even got myself a Ted Baker purse for half the price you would usually pay and a Vivienne Westwood bracelet. Amazing right? I am a massive fan of Ted Baker and Vivienne Westwood so Bicester Village fulfils my needs a lot. If you have never heard of it before, I suggest you check it out and visit there because they have EVERYTHING and you will love it.

Anyway, back to the bag... I literally use it almost every day. I just love it and it stands out with anything that you wear and it just adds some colour to an all black outfit too. It has a long strap so you can have it over the shoulder or you can take it off so you can just carry it by the small handles. It is something which holds the essentials like your phone, purse, lipstick etc. I wouldn't recommend this if you like big bags and like to carry a lot of things in your handbag because it can only hold a small amount of things but personally, I love it and I only like to carry around the small essentials, especially when I am shopping. This bag is perfect for me.

Over the past few months, money has been such a struggle for me so I have not been able to go shopping as much as I have wanted to. But I now have a new job, and go back to my other job at the end of this month too, and I cannot wait to go shopping. 


Saturday, 12 August 2017

21 Things that are better than sex

1. Getting into fresh bed sheets. There is nothing better than changing your bed sheets and getting into nice clean ones, especially when you have had a long day and just want to chill out.

2. Taking your bra off! Best feeling ever.

3. A cup of tea in the morning.

4. DOGS! Dogs will always make the world better.

5. Taking your make up off after a long day.

6. Having your back tickled.

7. Taking off your heels that have been killing your feet all night after a night out.

8. Chinese food.

9. Ben & Jerry's ice-cream, any of them, i don't care. No ice-cream will ever beat Ben & Jerry's.

10. Getting paid!!!!!

11. Having a whole new wardrobe.

12. Getting new make up.

13. The smell of petrol.

14. Listening to the rain on your window when you are about to go to sleep.

15. The feel of getting a new book.

16. Chocolate.

17. Taking a hot shower on a cold day.

18.  Booking a holiday to a hot country and just having it to look forward to. It's all you think about and the build up to it is amazing.

19. The build up to christmas!

20. Getting into your pyjamas with really comfy bed socks. There is no better feeling.

21. Cuddles

Sunday, 6 August 2017

My favourite top right now

My favourite piece of clothing right now is this top from Pretty Little Thing. I am a huge fan of PLT and I always will be. I get most of my clothing from there and I find that most of the clothing I order, fits me perfectly. I always worry about ordering things online because of being a size 16, not everything always fits me. But I never have a problem with PLT, and I just absolutely love everything which is sold on there.

I thought at first that this top was more suitable of a night time, but I have been wearing it during the day. Its perfect for both day and night and its certainly a piece which stands out from the crowd with the bright red flowers.


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