This bag is definitely my favourite bag. I am not someone who can afford to buy designer handbags all of the time, so I just usually buy high street bags, this is my second designer one, so when I get a designer handbag I am literally so so so happy to have it. However, I did not actually buy this one, my boyfriend bought it me, and we got it from a designer outlet called Bicester Village which is in Oxford where everything is just so much cheaper and oh my god, It is like a DREAM! It's my most favourite place to shop and I will always go there to buy designer products now. I even got myself a Ted Baker purse for half the price you would usually pay and a Vivienne Westwood bracelet. Amazing right? I am a massive fan of Ted Baker and Vivienne Westwood so Bicester Village fulfils my needs a lot. If you have never heard of it before, I suggest you check it out and visit there because they have EVERYTHING and you will love it.
Anyway, back to the bag... I literally use it almost every day. I just love it and it stands out with anything that you wear and it just adds some colour to an all black outfit too. It has a long strap so you can have it over the shoulder or you can take it off so you can just carry it by the small handles. It is something which holds the essentials like your phone, purse, lipstick etc. I wouldn't recommend this if you like big bags and like to carry a lot of things in your handbag because it can only hold a small amount of things but personally, I love it and I only like to carry around the small essentials, especially when I am shopping. This bag is perfect for me.
Over the past few months, money has been such a struggle for me so I have not been able to go shopping as much as I have wanted to. But I now have a new job, and go back to my other job at the end of this month too, and I cannot wait to go shopping.