There are a few things this year which are going to make a huge difference to my life and it is all going to be so excited. I am literally buzzing for what this year has in store for me.
1. Graduation
One of the biggest things for me this year is graduating from University with a BA (Hons) in Fashion Marketing. It has been a roller-coaster 3 years and I have made so many new memories by going to University but it's all coming to an end soon and I am going to be moving on in life. It has been so hard and people who have not been to University don't realise how hard it actually is. I have worked my arse off throughout my course and if I'm honest, I have not enjoyed it that much. I have loved the social side of University but my course wasn't what I expected and I wish I did something else, somewhere else. However, I have learnt so much and I have definitely learnt to be very independent because I moved away from home by myself. I have learnt how to manage money better, manage house bills and just how to live on my own and go through life on my own. It's a great feeling know that I have done so much in 3 years and learnt how to be a lot more independent. I am so ready to move on in life now and go into full-time work.
2. Moving in with my boyfriend
So, me and Steven have been together almost a year already and when I finish University around May/June, we will be finding our own place to live together and this is a big step for us but we are very very excited. We won't be buying anything just yet, due to me not being in full-time work yet so we will only be renting, but I am ever so excited and I am SO ready for it!
3. Driving
I've had my provisional license now for 4 years, and I did driving lessons for a while and because I had a job when I was 17, I couldn't do it anymore because it crossed over with the days I had my driving lessons, and I also decided that I didn't NEED to drive when I was at University and it would have been a waste of money because I didn't go home very often, I walked to places and got a free bus to University anyway. So, this year will be the year where I take my driving more seriously and finally get a car of my own.
4. Our first holiday
So Steven has never ever been abroad before in his life and when we first got together, we planned to go abroad straight away so after a couple of months he applied for his first ever passport and the day it came, we booked our first holiday together to DISNEYLAND!!! I have not been to Disneyland since I was about 3 years old and obviously Steven has never been so its very exciting. We both love Disney so much so its going to be a very special holiday for us, especially as its our first! We also plan to go somewhere else maybe too for a week to a hot country but we aren't sure yet, we are going to see how well we are for money!
5. My 21st Birthday
It's my 21st birthday this year and I am so excited. I love times like this where I can get together with family and do fun things and this will definitely be an exciting time of the year for me.
6. Work on my blog and YouTube more
I literally say all the time that I need to do this, but it is something I genuinely want to do. All I have ever wanted to do in life is be successful with my blog and my channel but I have just never had the time or the essential things to do it with because of concentrating so much on University and working 2 jobs on the side too. But, this year will be the year where I really focus on it because I will finally be able to concentrate on these things.
7. Weight loss
Everyone knows that when you first get into a relationship, you put on weight. I have literally been so comfortable, happy and content that I have lost myself and I don't even feel good about myself anymore. I have put on a lot of weight due to being so content in my relationship so this year I really need to be more motivated and get my act together with my weight loss. It is definitely a main priority for me this year, especially because I have my graduation coming up and eventually I want to get married to so I would love to drop some dress sizes for when I get married one day.