A Diary of Beauty, Fashion and Personal Life

Tuesday 16 January 2018


I always get so sad and down when Christmas or any holiday is over because it's so nice when I get to spend time with my family and Christmas is most definitely the best time of the year. I live away from home at University so I don't get to see my family very often, and my mom moved to Devon last year as well so she now lives 4 hours away so I don't see her often at all. So Christmas is definitely a time when I am my happiest because I am surrounded by all of the people I love at all times. But any holiday is great because you get to relax and have some time away from the real world so it can be horrible going back into the real world after a long break.

Here are some things which can help beat Christmas blues.

Thinking about the exciting things to happen in 2018
As you know from my previous post, I have SO much to look forward to and this is going to make me forget about Christmas and look forward to the things ahead.

A bit of retail therapy is something which always helps me feel better about anything.

New shows
I love looking forward to the shows I watch all the time such as Big Brother (I love reality shows) and this ALWAYS comes on again at the start of every year. I also like watching new series and new movies so knowing that there will be upcoming ones makes me happy.

Youtube Videos
Most YouTuber's upload a lot of videos to do with their new year plans and the things they loved the most the previous year and all of their favourites, so it's really nice for me to watch these and they make me look forward to the new year ahead. I love watching people's new year's resolutions, it definitely helps me be more motivated myself.

Being active
I have started going to the gym and it definitely helps me to get my mind off things and I am always doing other things too such as spending time with my boyfriend and my friends, working and going to university. If you are constantly doing something, it helps so much. Go for a long walk, go and watch a movie, go out with friends for lunch, just do something fun which you can be active with because staying at home with a tub of ice cream isn't always the answer to helping you feel better.

Spend time with your loved ones
Make some exciting plans with your friends, family or partner and have something to look forward to. Do more spontaneous things too, sometimes the most spontaneous plans with your friends are the best plans.

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